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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

Author Guidelines


Manuscripts should be sent by mail to

Accompanying the submission, the corresponding author must send a covering-letter to the Director of the journal requesting consideration of the work for publication. In this letter, you should (1) explain  concisely the work's objective, (2) why you consider that it may be of interest to the general readership of IESPYC, (3) propose up to three possible reviewers from this country or abroad, and (4) (if asked) reject potential reviewers on cogent  grounds.

The Director of the journal, whether alone or in consultation with the Editorial Committee, will decide if the work is within the journal's scope and if it is formally acceptable (it contains all the sections, the established norms are respected, and it is written correctly).

If the work has formal problems, it will be returned to the author for resolution before being sent for review. If there are no major formal problems, the Journal Director will contact two reviewers (at least) and, based on their blind evaluations, will make one of the following recommendations:

  1. Acceptable in its current version
  2. Acceptable with minor amendments
  3. To be resubmitted for possible reconsideration only after major changes
  4. Rejected.

For case (3), the reviewers will be consulted if they are willing to evaluate the revised version. If the answer is negative, this version will be sent to new reviewers.

The final decision about the acceptance of the work will be the responsibility of the General Editor.

As part of the editorial process, the manuscripts accepted for publication in IESPYC are subjected to mechanical editing per line, which consists of applying the journal's particular style, paying attention to grammar, syntax, and use of the language. Some manuscripts also have to be subjected to substantive editing, which involves the organization and presentation of content to improve the style (respecting the author's), among other modifications.



They should be ordered as follows:

  1. Title, author (s) and institutional unit (s); author for correspondence with an email address.
  2. Summary and keywords in Spanish
  3. Summary and keywords in English.
  4. Main text
  5. Bibliography, titles of tables and figures.
  6. Tables and figures.

The writing must be done on A4 size sheets, Times New Roman size 10, single-spaced, numbering lines and pages, top and bottom margin of 2.5cm and left and right margins of 3cm.

Three types of articles are published in each section: (i) research papers, which must not exceed 15,000 words (including title, summary, footnotes and bibliographic index); (ii) essays which must not exceed 10,000 words under the same conditions; (ii) bibliographical reviews which must not exceed 5,000 words. Exceptions from these word-limits will require  the consent of the editorial committee.

Sending by email to consists of:

1.- Note to the General Editor

2.- Electronic file of the manuscript (a, b, c, d, e) in .doc format

3.- If applicable, electronic files of table (s) and / or figure (s) numbered in Arabic numerals (f).

The files must be designated using the first author's last name, followed by an underscore and corresponding part, such as Marques, main text, Marques, the title of tables and figures, etc.

First page

It must contain the title in Spanish and English, author (s), institution (s) of membership, an abbreviated title, author for correspondence with an email address.

  1. Title

It should be written in capital letters (highlighted in bold) and centered.

  1. Authors

The full surname and initial (s) must be written with the abbrevations of each author's name (s), according to the order of authorship when there are several authors. In capital letters and centred, indicating with superscript (s) the institution(s) of membership, which must be mentioned below in italics. The names of the authors must be separated with a comma. The author must be indicated with an asterisk (*).

Second Page

  1. Abstract in Spanish

It should be clear and concise and include an introduction, objectives, materials and methods, main results, and conclusion in a maximum of 250 words.

  1. Keywords in Spanish

Between three and five, preferably words that are in the main title should not be used.

  1. Abstract in English

It must include the same sections of the abstract in Spanish.

  1. Keywords in English

They must be equivalent to the keywords in Spanish.

Next Pages

Main text

It should be written clearly and concisely and be easily understood by a broad audience. Sentences should not begin with abbreviations or numbers. Single-digit numbers should be spelled except when they refer to statistical analysis results or are followed by units of measurement (eg, 2 ml).

Original research papers should include the following sections: INTRODUCTION, RESEARCH METHODOLOGY (if applicable), RESULTS, DISCUSSION, BIBLIOGRAPHY, and ACKNOWLEDGMENTS (if applicable), in capital letters highlighted in bold, and to the left. Subtitles must be written on the left, in italics (without highlighting), using capital letters only for the first letter. As IESPYC is a social studies journal, the previous structure can be modified to a monographic or bibliographic review format, provided that grammatical and syntactic coherence is maintained throughout the text.

Bibliographical reviews and opinion articles may contain subtitles (which should not be numbered) in place of the sections, on the left, in letters highlighted in bold.

The article must be structured according to the following subtitling guidelines without bold:









Bibliographical references must be given in accordance with APA (American Psychological Association) standards

6th edition 2010

See also CDI Document "The documentary appointment" in:

The list of bibliographical references will be included at the end of the document.

Citation style in the text will be the Author-Date, for example:

… A logic is opposed to culture's commodification by emphasizing values

different from those of the consumer citizen (Lewcowicz, 1999).

Adam Shingate (2000) has used the basic concepts of the image of politics ...

Do not use footnotes.


They should be prepared on separate sheets, numbered with Arabic numerals, and cited as such in the text (they should not be included in it; they should be provided in individual files).

The titles should be placed at the top of the table, written in lowercase with the first word beginning with a capital letter, be self-explanatory, and not suggest the data's interpretation.

The number of lines in each table should be kept to a minimum; generally, three horizontal lines are sufficient: one at the top below the table title and above the column heading, the second below the column heading, and the third at the bottom, along the last row and above any type of footnote. The use of vertical lines should be avoided unless strictly necessary.

The footnotes of the table will be indicated with superscripts in the lowercase letter.

The tables of the same work should be, as far as possible, uniform in format. They should be numbered independently of the figures and sent in .doc, or .docx file.



These include drawings, photographs, and graphics. They must be presented on separate sheets and individual files, numbered with Arabic numerals and cited as such in the text.

The titles should be self-explanatory and placed outside the relevant illustration, etc, at the bottom, followed by descriptions (if applicable).

Graphics should represent data in a simple and easily understandable way and used only to summarize data more effectively than words.

For photomicrographs, the magnification should be indicated with a scale bar within them. The size of said bar, in turn, should be displayed in the title and not in the photomicrograph itself. When using the same magnification for multiple images that make up a figure, it is recommended to use a single scale bar.

The figures can occupy, in width, one or both columns of a page (7.5 or 15.0 cm, respectively).



Figures should be submitted in individual files in any of the preferred file formats: Encapsulated Post-Script (EPS) or Tagged Image Format (TIF). It is suggested that black and white graphics and line drawings be saved as EPS files using, for example, the Corel Draw program, since any manipulation of the size of the images does not compromise their quality.

Alternatively, the graphics can be saved as PDF files with a resolution of 600 PPI (pixels per inch) or, better, in the final size. Halftone or photographic images should be saved as TIF files with a minimum resolution of 300 PPI in their final size. It is recommended that combinations of figures or artwork containing photos and text be saved as EPS files, PDF files with 600 dpi resolution, or, better, final size.


Permissions:  it is the sole responsibility of the author (s) to obtain the corresponding licenses from publishers or others if copyrighted materials are reproduced (e.g. published figures or tables).

Artículos inéditos

Política de sección por defecto


Los ensayos serán escritos en prosa, sobre temas abordados en temática de IESPYC, donde se pueda expresar opiniones y argumentaciones del autor, sustentadas en la lógica y la información. Su propósito no es otro que argumentar en torno al tema elegido.


Reseñas de libros publicados en argentina y el extranjero, siguiendo la temática de la revista IESPYC.

Crónicas académicas

Eventos, actividades, documentos de trabajo y textos relacionados que el Consejo Editorial considere relevante para sus lectores y la comunidad cientifica en general


Traducciones indeditas de textos relevantes a las temáticas de la revista. 

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.